Peculiar Pugs are a limited collection of 10,000 utility-enabled NFTs.

These extraterrestrial pugs from planet Pizazz are spliced with exotic animal DNA and uniquely outfitted with clothes and accessories from Earth’s most notable pop culture icons.

Each Peculiar Pug NFT provides its owner with a unique avatar, commercial usage rights, and exclusive VIP membership.


Purchasing a pug costs 0.01 ETH (Base), that’s it. There are no price tiers, no limits, and no wave selling. All Peculiar Pugs will be released at the same time and at the same price for everyone. Purchase as many as you want!

First come, first served obviously.

Note: One hundred pugs are being withheld from the sale. These will be used for giveaways, member rewards — and for the creators’ VIP Passes.


Each pug is unique and programmatically generated from over 138 possible traits, including fur patterns, clothing, glasses, hats, and much more!

No two pugs are the same, every single one of them has its own unique sense of style. All pugs have high fashion, however, some pugs are more exclusive than others.

The pugs are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Base Blockchain and hosted on IPFS.

To access members-only areas pug owners must be signed in with their wallet containing their Peculiar Pug.


When you adopt a Peculiar Pug, you’re not just getting a digital avatar or an exclusive piece of art. You are gaining access to an exclusive club whose benefits and offerings will increase over time. Your Peculiar Pug serves as your unique digital identity and opens exclusive digital doors for you.

10,000 limited edition Peculiar Pug NFT’s

A pretty sweet avatar thats Web3 ready


Equal opportunity for everyone: No price tiers, no wave selling, and no limits


Ownership and commercial usage rights given to the holder over their Peculiar Pug NFT

Mint Juleps 2

Receive additional benefits through roadmap activations over time


Treat yourself to some pizazz at Peculiar Threads, the official Peculiar Pugs merch store.

Want to take your pug with you everywhere you go? Well now you can with the custom pug shirt and custom pug hoodie!

Oh and did we forget to mention, free shipping worldwide with a minimum purchase of $100.

Visit Peculiar Threads and get your pizazz on today!



The first exclusive members-only perk to unlock for all Peculiar Pug holders.

The BarKade is a fun members-only area where you can play Peculiar Pug-themed games that we will release from time to time. The first of which, Escape from Pizazz, will be available immediately after the presale ends.


Look out! A giant asteroid is headed straight towards Pizazz!

Pilot Derby Daggett’s spaceship as he makes his narrow escape! Outrun the asteroid, slip by obstacles and dodge debris as Planet Pizazz erupts in total chaos in this epic armageddon adventure!

Let’s see how high these scores can get!


The Treasury of Pizazz, created in 2022, is the department responsible for managing all of Pizazz’s planetary finances. The key functions of the treasury include minting, airdropping, and burning tokens.

The tokens are stored as ERC-1155 tokens on the Ethereum Blockchain and hosted on IPFS.


Derby Dollars are the official Planetary Currency of Pizazz issued by the Treasury of Pizazz. Derby Dollars can be earned by purchasing Peculiar Pug NFTs and by participating in contests, competitions, and giveaways hosted on our social media platforms. 

Derby Dollars are utility-based and can be used to redeem Peculiar Pug NFTs, IRL swag, and more!

Derby Dollars cannot be used in combination with promotions. Redemption values are subject to change.

1 Derby Dollar

Gets you 1% OFF a Peculiar Pug!

100 Derby Dollars

Gets you a FREE Peculiar Pug!



Some cool stuff we’ve done along the way, in case you were wondering.


Peculiar Pugs project initiated.


Peculiar Pugs NFT design started.


Peculiar Pugs LLC registered in Delaware, USA


Peculiar Pugs NFT designs finished.


10,000 Peculiar Pug NFTs generated.


Peculiar Pugs Trademarks filed with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.


Escape from Pizazz video game developed and added to BarKade.


Peculiar Pugs Smart Contract successfully deployed & verified on the Ethereum Blockchain.


Peculiar Pugs NFT project launched alongside Ethereum’s upgrade to proof-of-stake.


Peculiar Pugs NFT chain migration from the Ethereum blockchain to the Base blockchain initiated.


Peculiar Pugs Smart Contract successfully deployed & verified on the Base Blockchain.


Peculiar Pugs NFT project re-launched on Base alongside the Coinbase Smart Wallet release.


Derby Dollar Smart Contract successfully deployed & verified on the Ethereum Blockchain.


Grand opening of Peculiar Threads online merch store. 

“Where we’re going we don’t need leashes.”


We are proud to announce our partnership with Pug Nation Rescue of Los Angeles!

Peculiar Pugs will be donating 20% of the minting funds to Pug Nation to help IRL pugs in need of new homes and medical care.

The donation wallet is publicly visible for everyone to see. Click the wallet address below to see how much we’ve raised!

Pug Nation Donation Wallet:


*If you would like to learn more about Pug Nation LA you can visit their website here.

Mission Statement

Rescue every area Pug in need and provide medical care and place them in a forever home. If no home can be found, we pledge to provide a comfortable and loving place where those Pugs can live out their lives.


Peculiar Pugs was created by Derby Daggett a proud pug owner whose love for art, pugs, and web3 developed into a passion project that took on a life of its own.



NFT stands for “Non-fungible token” and is a cool way of saying it’s a truly unique digital item that you can buy, own, and trade.

Metamask is a crypto-wallet that can store your Ethereum, and is needed to purchase and adopt a Peculiar Pug. Having a wallet gives you an Ethereum address (i.e. 0xPUGS….420), this is where your NFT will be stored. Learn more about Metamask and how easy it is to use over here! (https://metamask.io).

If you are using a mobile phone to adopt a Peculiar Pug, you need to use the Metamask application built-in browser to adopt a Peculiar Pug. Therefore, please launch the Metamask application, click the 3 lines on the top left menu in the application and select “Browser”. It will open a web browser and you will be able to navigate back to peculiarpugs.io to do the adopting.

If you are using a computer to mint a Peculiar Pug, you just need to connect the Metamask plugin with our website, verify you have enough ETH to do the transaction, then you will be able to click on the ” A PUG” button to adopt some Peculiar Pugs.

Get the Metamask Chrome or Firefox extension. Load it with Base ETH through services that allow you to change your money to Base ETH like Coinbase, Binance or Kraken. Then, click the button “MINT PUGS” on the purple banner to connect your wallet and approve the transaction on your wallet. That’s it!

Your Peculiar Pug NFT will appear in whatever address, or connected wallet you used to purchase the Peculiar Pug. You can see your freshly minted NFT directly on your Opensea.io account.

More like what can’t you do with it? Under our exclusive commercial usage license you can use your NFT however you want.

Some real world examples include creating restaurants themed around the NFT, creating a clothing line using the NFT as a logo, creating a cartoon series or comic book using several NFTs as characters. People are coming up with new and creative ways to use their NFTs every single day. The only limit is your imagination. We can’t wait to see what crazy ideas you come up with!

Sure! But you wont be getting any of the perks that come along with ownership like commercial usage rights, access to special areas/events, membership rewards and exclusive airdrops.